Help your child meet their goals
Moppet Kids is an unregistered NDIS provider. All this means is we are yet to go through the costly process of registering with NDIS.
This doesn't stop you from claiming our products on your childs NDIS plan if you or your therapist believes they will help your child meet their goals!
If you are self managed simply purchase as usual and reply to your order confirmation requesting an invoice.
If you are plan managed (or self managed and would like an invoice to submit before purchasing) then please fill out the below form and we will email you an invoice within 24 hours.

Moppet Kids has developed the safest Learning Tower in Australia
With a low step that's 405mm off the ground, your little one will gain increasing amounts of bench access as they grow.
Weight rated to 120kgs, even older kids and adults can use our Folding Learning Tower safely.
Our slim, 14cm fold means you can pack up your learning tower and slide it into a small space, maintaing safety in your home and allowing kitchen access only when you can supervise.